Friday, September 25, 2009

The Hobbit

So for my humanities class we need to read the hobbit by next Tuesday. I can officially say that I have done so. You guys aren't allowed to tell anyone but I stayed up all night last night reading it, it is a really great book.

I thought when Gandalf came and saved the day against the zombies was very predictable. And there happens to be a boat just sitting there waiting for them on the other side of the river in Mirkwood. But overall very good very entertaining book.

Eric is trying to convince me to read the trilogy but I'm not sure on that one, that is a lot reading and there is no way I could finish them all before my Mission. We'll see, I might attempt to start it but not guarantee finishing it. I also have begun to enjoy reading. I have been working pretty hard to develop that and up here is a really good environment for that, because there is nothing else to do besides read.

So I want to very clear on this I enjoyed the hobbit not my humanities class. That class is going to be the death of me. The subject is dumb, most of the discussions are dumb and how people get the meaning of life out of a movie that had not plot conflict or strong characters is beyond me. And now for a test that I am taking on Tuesday I got to write an essay on how that movie is "great art." They don't even give me a chance to disagree I have to agree with these people. That indoctrination, not education. AHHHH I hate that class.


  1. From what I've heard humanities classes are all a joke. They think they are SO profound and intelligent! Ha!

    But I'm glad you like 'The Hobbit'. I don't remember any zombies in that book though.. maybe I need to reread it. I never asked, did you get that bundle of stuff I left on your porch before you left?

    You should most definitely read 'The Lord of the Rings'! They. are. SO. cool! Even you would enjoy them Jeremy, even if they take a while to get through. Remember, if you find the first one a little hard to get through don't worry, it picks up speed and then it rocks! Just ask Eric what I mean..

    Anyways, I miss you. Hope your having fun and everything.

  2. I read the Hobbit when I was about fourteen. It took me forever, but my Dad really wanted me to try it. It wasn't half bad, as far as I can remember. However, it gave me no desire to read the rest of the series. And I LOVE to read.

    I don't know, it's just something about Tolkien's unbelievably S-L-O-W developments that just drive me crazy. I love the story of the Lord of the Rings, but I don't want to have to spend three chapters reading about a tree that they passed on the way to Mordor. I'm just not that interested.

    So if you can muscle your way through the series, more power to you, and you'll have to tell me how it is.

  3. sorry I meant goblins I was thinking goblins. I swear I did read the book.

  4. Maybe you actually read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Couldn't blame you. That book rocks!

  5. Jeremy, don't listen to Jessica. 'The Lord of the Rings' is a whole different flavor than 'The Hobbit' anyways. Just ask your roommate to explain what I mean.

    Jessica, Tolkien's stories move along just as fast as any other author. If 'Pride and Prejudice and Zombies' is actually written like 'Pride and Prejudice' then you really have no room to talk about slow developments!

  6. Totally. LOTR is simply... augh... amazing. Definitely different than The Hobbit, although both are fantastic.

  7. Jeremy,DO listen to me. Logan, shut up. There is something about Tolkien's style that has turned off many a reader besides me. I'm not telling him not to read it, I'm simply saying that I couldn't. And Tolkien's stories do NOT move just as fast as any other author. It's their depth that usually attracts people like you, and it wouldn't have that depth if he didn't spend so long telling you about the history of the dirt Frodo walked on on the way to Mordor. It's not bad, it just doesn't appeal to me.

  8. Eric has me reading the Silmarillion at the moment.

  9. All I can say is, way to read, Jeremy! You'll make it through that humanities class, no prob.

    I'm rooting for you and hope you continue to enjoy reading-it's such an adventure!!
