Monday, June 8, 2009

rotten vegetable soup

Working in produce in a grocery store has its definite advantages, those of you who have worked at Allens know a few of them. But it also has it's undeniable disadvantages.

I went in to work today, and Ron the produce manager, told me we were going to clean the wet case. Which dosen't sound too bad right. ohhh, let me describe to you what we are dealing with. The wet case is constantly sprayed with a misting system and with a hose, well, the water brings down the dirt grime and various little pieces of the product. Well from there it works its way down with all the junk and down to a tub. It sits in that tub because the junk will clog the drain and it rots for months at a time. So you have rotting produce in a very wet area, that is a perfect spot for mold, it also solidifies and makes this nasty jelly stuff that stinks terribly. It really looks likes this nasty rotten vegetable soup.

Well I got to spend the first two hours of my shift cleaning that out. So needless to say I really really love my job.


  1. And this is just a tiny glimpse into why SOOOO many people have QUIT their jobs at Allen's.

    Way to stick to it, Jeremy! I knew you were made of tougher stuff. Mold and grime quiver when Jeremy's on the job!

  2. No Jessica, this is just a tiny glimpse into what makes Allen's Boys so darn cool! Allen's is the shiz when you have a lot of awesome people working there with you! (sorry for ditching you Jeremy)

    Sounds like a lot of fun in Produce!
    I think this calls for a good old-fashioned Naked Party, eh?

  3. Ha Ha! It made me spell "seduce" when I posted!

  4. Weird. My prompts always have me spell words like "Hopeless" and "Giveup" and "Epicfail" when I post...

  5. Ew,eew,eew!
    Ur a stud Jeremy ;) Sammi and I were mopping tonight and taking out the trash. The trash was so fowl, we wrote off some disposable gloves to do the job. Ick. We were pretty tempted to accidentally drop the garbage bin into the garbage disposal, since that bin is has 99 years of grossness on it.
    Anyway, i do feel some of your pain.
